Friday, March 18, 2011

Spanish Friday

I not only want Bean to be bilingual, but I also want him to be biliterate. After all, if he is going to learn to speak Spanish, he might as well learn how to read and write it. That being said, I am going to start participating in Spanish Friday, which basically means, much to my chagrin,  on Friday's I'll write in Spanish. Thanks to Latinaish for the idea. I'm so rusty but here we go...

No me gusta escribir en espanol. No me gusta leer en espanol. Pero es necesario. Cuando era en la universidad, escribía todo el tiempo. Entonces necesito relajarme y escribir.

Hablé que no puede estudiar gramática porque no es natural. Pero necesité revisar, especialmente los mandatos. Encuentré un sitio para este. Dr. Lemon tiene mucho información sobre los verbos. Me gusta este sitio porque las páquinas son muy breves.

Un otro sitio que necesité este semana fue Study Spanish; en particular la páquina que explica como escribir a máquina los acentos porque yo nunca recuerdo.

Not everyone who reads this blog is a Spanish-speaker so I basically said..... 

I don't like to read or write in Spanish but it's necessary. When I was in college I had to write all the time so I just need to relax and write.

I said I wasn't going to study grammar because it's not natural. But I needed to review, especially the commands. I found a site that helped. Dr. Lemon has a lot of information, and I like the site because the pages are brief.

Another site I needed this week was Study Spanish; in particular the page that explains how to type accents because I never remember.


  1. Yo creo que tu post esta bueno. El mas que tu escribes despues va a ser mas facil por ti.

    Voy a participar en "Spanish Friday" tambien.

    Nos Vemos el proximo viernes.

  2. Love this idea! It's completely daunting, but I know it would be so good for me. I almost never write in German anymore. But whenever I have to, I'm pretty surprised by how quickly I get back into the groove. It's such a great exercise.
    This post is about 6 months old now - so I wonder if you're keeping it up?? ;)

  3. Ha've caught me slacking. I am going to start back up again. It's so difficult to think of topics though, but I suppose I am thinking too hard.
